Lynn Hutchinson Lee

Community Arts

Community Arts Projects

Musaj te Dzav/ I Must Leave

Multidisciplinary project with artists Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić, Monica Bodirsky’ Nihad Nino Pusija, chirikli collective. Community partners Toronto Roma Community Centre, St. Christopher House, Queen Victoria Public School, Parkdale Collegiate. Exhibition: Gallery 50, Toronto – 2012-13  (Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council)

Book of Memories

Community arts multimedia bookwork project with Amelia Jimenez, Working Women Community Centre – 2012 (Toronto Arts Council)

Mapping Our Path

community arts mosaic mural with Amelia Jimenez, immigrant and refugee women from Latin America, and community partner Working Women Community Centre. Installed at Working Women Community Centre, Toronto. 2010 – 11  (Toronto Arts Council)

The Witness Project

Toronto component of “Canada Without Shadows” – Community arts project (written and spoken word; printmaking; sound installation) with Roma refugee women, Toronto, writer Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić, and artists Monica Bodirsky and Lynn Hutchinson Lee, chirikli collective and Red Tree collective. Download “The Witness Project” book I am a Romani Woman/Me Sem Romni. Community partner St. Christopher House, Toronto. Exhibition: sound installation, Canada Without Shadows, BAK, Utrecht, Netherlands; Roma Pavilion, Venice Biennale, Italy – 2010 – 11 (Toronto Arts Council)

I Am a Romani Woman book

Arts and Culture Printmaking Workshop

Canadian Auto Workers arts and culture programme, co-ordinated by Florencia Berinstein – 2010    

Scouring City, Brushing Sky

Interdisciplinary community arts project with Margo Charlton, Lynn Hutchinson Lee and Amelia Jimenez, Red Tree and C3 collective – with immigrant and refugee women cleaners. Community partners: Working Women Community Centre; union partner SEIU. Exhibitions: Mayworks, Toronto; Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Hamilton – 2010  (Toronto Arts Council, OAC AIC/W Program, Canada Council ACCP Program for Integrated Arts)

Solar Oven Project/Women, Food, Community

Mural with Amanda Hale and community arts group Muraleando, Lawton, Havana, Cuba

a project of Muraleando with 9th Havana Biennale – 2006


Community Arts residency with Amelia Jiménez at Sojourn House, Toronto – 2008 – 9  (Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council)

Community Arts residency

Working Women Community Centre – working with immigrant women to paint their experiences of life – 2007 (Toronto Arts Council)

Shukar Lulugi/ Beautiful Flower

interdisciplinary project with newcomer refugee women and girls. Community partners: Roma Community Centre, CultureLink, Sojourn House – 2007 (Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts)

Loki Gili/Song of Sorrow, Song of Hope

interdisciplinary community arts project with Romani community in Toronto. Red Tree and Roma Community Centre, CultureLink, Toronto; A Space Vitrines, Toronto; Toronto City Hall; Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre, Hamilton; you me gallery, Hamilton – 2005-6 (Ontario Arts Council AIC/W, Canada Council Inter Arts)

Greeting to Taniperla  

Collaborative community arts mural involving artists, students, community. A project of Red Tree and Community Arts Biennial, A Space Gallery. Mural site: Exterior wall, Kingston and Brimley Roads, Scarborough – 2000 (Toronto Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts)

Romani Murals Facilitator/co-ordinator of children’s murals – a project of Roma Community Centre and Equity Studies Centre at Queen Victoria Public School, Toronto, Toronto District School Board. Roma Curriculum written and presented by Ronald Lee. Exhibited at Education Centre, Toronto, as part of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations’ International Declaration of Human Rights – 1999  

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